What I read

Four-Second Test Runs

I don't get the "fast enough" argument. How could you not want your entire test suite to run as fast as possible? For instance, you could have your editor or IDE run your tests on each file save and instantly tell you if you've broken something. Impossible unless you have a sub-second test suite.

Mouthbreathing Machiavellis Dream Of A Silicon Reich

Something about the Internet political subcultures that really bothers me. This article described it well.

And by the way, I've been a reader of The Baffler since the mid-90s. Great to see them coming back in force—taking on Silicon Valley now, not just Washington and Wall Street.

Mocking and Ruby

"Don't mock for speed." I like this advice.

Callbacks are imperative, promises are functional: Node's biggest missed opportunity

Really long read. Don't let the first sentence turn you off. Great description of what "callback hell" really is: a black box that is inherently hard to test. I've always really liked the pattern matching in Erlang, and this article made me realize that you can use maps and filters to achieve the same results (e.g., with Bacon.js).

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